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Home > Lighting


When you want to enhance your home with beautiful lighting, you'll often find yourself with thousands of options to choose from. Flitch can help simplify your search for the perfect lamp or lighting fixture by putting the best in high-quality lighting at your fingertips.

We curate lighting solutions from over a hundred retailers to make your shopping experience hassle-free. Our advanced filtering system makes it quick and easy to find exactly what you need in every lighting category. You'll find ceiling lights, chandeliers, and wall lights, plus floor lights, table lamps, and outdoor lighting all in one place. You can also spruce up your favourite fixtures with our wonderful selection of lamp shades.

Flitch can help you find the right lighting for every situation, whether you're looking to add ambience to your entryway, whimsy to your sitting area, or elegance to your powder room. Whether you're looking for high-concept lighting for entertaining, soft lighting for your conservatory, or bright and functional lighting over your front steps, we'll be able to meet your needs.

Whatever your style, bring out the best in your space with decorative, practical lighting from Flitch.

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Amara Ceiling LightsAmara ChandeliersAmara Lamp ShadesAmara LampsAmara Outdoor LightingAmara Wall LightsAnthropologie Ceiling LightsAnthropologie ChandeliersAnthropologie Lamp ShadesAnthropologie LampsAtkin & Thyme Ceiling LightsAtkin & Thyme LampsAtkin & Thyme Outdoor LightingBarker and Stonehouse Ceiling LightsBarker and Stonehouse ChandeliersBarker and Stonehouse Lamp ShadesBarker and Stonehouse LampsBarker and Stonehouse Outdoor LightingBarker and Stonehouse Wall Ceiling Lamp Outdoor Wall LightsCox and Cox Ceiling LightsCox and Cox ChandeliersCox and Cox Lamp ShadesCox and Cox LampsCox and Cox Outdoor LightingCox and Cox Wall LightsCuckooland Ceiling LightsCuckooland Lamp ShadesCuckooland LampsCuckooland Outdoor LightingCuckooland Wall LightsCult Furniture Ceiling LightsCult Furniture Lamp ShadesCult Furniture LampsCult Furniture Outdoor LightingCult Furniture Wall LightsDowntown Ceiling LightsDowntown Lamp ShadesDowntown LampsDowntown Outdoor LightingDowntown Wall LightsDunelm Ceiling LightsDunelm ChandeliersDunelm Lamp ShadesDunelm LampsDunelm Outdoor LightingDunelm Wall LightsFurniture Village Ceiling LightsFurniture Village Lamp ShadesFurniture Village LampsFurniture Village Wall LightsFurniture123 Ceiling LightsFurniture123 LampsFurniture123 Outdoor LightingFurniture123 Wall LightsGraham & Green Ceiling LightsGraham & Green ChandeliersGraham & Green Lamp ShadesGraham & Green LampsGraham & Green Outdoor LightingGraham & Green Wall LightsHabitat Ceiling LightsHabitat ChandeliersHabitat Lamp ShadesHabitat LampsHabitat Outdoor LightingHabitat Wall LightsHeal's Ceiling LightsHeal's ChandeliersHeal's Lamp ShadesHeal's LampsHeal's Outdoor LightingHeal's Wall LightsHomebase Lamp ShadesHomebase LampsHomebase Outdoor LightingIO Living Ceiling LightsIO Living LampsJohn Lewis Ceiling LightsJohn Lewis ChandeliersJohn Lewis Lamp ShadesJohn Lewis LampsJohn Lewis Outdoor LightingJohn Lewis Wall LightsKave Home Ceiling LightsKave Home Lamp ShadesKave Home LampsKnees Ceiling LightsKnees ChandeliersKnees Lamp ShadesKnees LampsKnees Outdoor LightingKnees Wall LightsLa Redoute Ceiling LightsLa Redoute Lamp ShadesLa Redoute LampsLa Redoute Outdoor LightingLa Redoute Wall LightsLayered Lounge Lamp ShadesLayered Lounge LampsLayered Lounge Outdoor LightingLoaf LampsMade in Design Ceiling LightsMade in Design ChandeliersMade in Design Lamp ShadesMade in Design LampsMade in Design Outdoor LightingMade in Design Wall LightsMarks & Spencer Ceiling LightsMarks & Spencer ChandeliersMarks & Spencer Lamp ShadesMarks & Spencer LampsMarks & Spencer Outdoor LightingMarks & Spencer Wall LightsMy Furniture Ceiling LightsMy Furniture ChandeliersMy Furniture Lamp ShadesMy Furniture LampsMy Furniture Wall LightsNkuku Ceiling LightsNkuku ChandeliersNkuku Lamp ShadesNkuku LampsNkuku Outdoor LightingNkuku Wall LightsNordic Nest Ceiling LightsNordic Nest ChandeliersNordic Nest Lamp ShadesNordic Nest LampsNordic Nest Outdoor LightingNordic Nest Wall LightsOKA Ceiling LightsOKA Lamp ShadesOKA LampsOKA Wall LightsOlivia's Ceiling LightsOlivia's ChandeliersOlivia's Lamp ShadesOlivia's LampsOlivia's Outdoor LightingOlivia's Wall LightsPagazzi Ceiling LightsPagazzi ChandeliersPagazzi Lamp ShadesPagazzi LampsPagazzi Outdoor LightingPagazzi Wall LightsPerch and Parrow Ceiling LightsPerch and Parrow ChandeliersPerch and Parrow Lamp ShadesPerch and Parrow LampsPerch and Parrow Outdoor LightingPerch and Parrow Wall LightsQuatropi Ceiling LightsQuatropi LampsRockett St George Ceiling LightsRockett St George Lamp ShadesRockett St George LampsRockett St George Outdoor LightingRockett St George Wall LightsRose & Grey Ceiling LightsRose & Grey Lamp ShadesRose & Grey LampsSazy Ceiling LightsSazy Lamp ShadesSazy LampsSazy Wall Ceiling Lamp Wall LightsSoho Home Ceiling LightsSoho Home ChandeliersSoho Home Lamp ShadesSoho Home LampsSoho Home Wall LightsTeddy Beau Ceiling LightsTeddy Beau ChandeliersTeddy Beau Lamp ShadesTeddy Beau LampsTeddy Beau Outdoor LightingTeddy Beau Wall LightsThe Conran Shop Ceiling LightsThe Conran Shop ChandeliersThe Conran Shop Lamp ShadesThe Conran Shop LampsThe Conran Shop Outdoor LightingThe Conran Shop Wall LightsThe Range Ceiling LightsThe Range ChandeliersThe Range Lamp ShadesThe Range LampsThe Range Outdoor LightingThe Range Wall LightsThe Rug Seller Lamp ShadesThe Rug Seller LampsThe Rug Seller Outdoor LightingTobias Oliver Ceiling LightsTobias Oliver Lamp ShadesTobias Oliver LampsTobias Oliver Wall LightsTom Dixon Ceiling LightsTom Dixon ChandeliersTom Dixon LampsTom Dixon Wall LightsUrban Outfitters Ceiling LightsUrban Outfitters Lamp ShadesUrban Outfitters LampsUrban Outfitters Outdoor LightingWolf & Badger LampsWoods Furniture Ceiling LightsWoods Furniture Lamp ShadesWoods Furniture Lamps
Amara Ceiling LightsHeal's ChandeliersPagazzi Ceiling LightsAmara ChandeliersHeal's Lamp ShadesPagazzi ChandeliersAmara Lamp ShadesHeal's LampsPagazzi Lamp ShadesAmara LampsHeal's Outdoor LightingPagazzi LampsAmara Outdoor LightingHeal's Wall LightsPagazzi Outdoor LightingAmara Wall LightsHomebase Lamp ShadesPagazzi Wall LightsAnthropologie Ceiling LightsHomebase LampsPerch and Parrow Ceiling LightsAnthropologie ChandeliersHomebase Outdoor LightingPerch and Parrow ChandeliersAnthropologie Lamp ShadesIO Living Ceiling LightsPerch and Parrow Lamp ShadesAnthropologie LampsIO Living LampsPerch and Parrow LampsAtkin & Thyme Ceiling LightsJohn Lewis Ceiling LightsPerch and Parrow Outdoor LightingAtkin & Thyme LampsJohn Lewis ChandeliersPerch and Parrow Wall LightsAtkin & Thyme Outdoor LightingJohn Lewis Lamp ShadesQuatropi Ceiling LightsBarker and Stonehouse Ceiling LightsJohn Lewis LampsQuatropi LampsBarker and Stonehouse ChandeliersJohn Lewis Outdoor LightingRockett St George Ceiling LightsBarker and Stonehouse Lamp ShadesJohn Lewis Wall LightsRockett St George Lamp ShadesBarker and Stonehouse LampsKave Home Ceiling LightsRockett St George LampsBarker and Stonehouse Outdoor LightingKave Home Lamp ShadesRockett St George Outdoor LightingBarker and Stonehouse Wall LightsKave Home LampsRockett St George Wall Ceiling LightsKnees Ceiling LightsRose & Grey Ceiling ChandeliersKnees ChandeliersRose & Grey Lamp Lamp ShadesKnees Lamp ShadesRose & Grey LampsKnees LampsSazy Ceiling Outdoor LightingKnees Outdoor LightingSazy Lamp Wall LightsKnees Wall LightsSazy LampsCox and Cox Ceiling LightsLa Redoute Ceiling LightsSazy Wall LightsCox and Cox ChandeliersLa Redoute Lamp Ceiling LightsCox and Cox Lamp ShadesLa Redoute ChandeliersCox and Cox LampsLa Redoute Outdoor Lamp ShadesCox and Cox Outdoor LightingLa Redoute Wall LampsCox and Cox Wall LightsLayered Lounge Lamp Wall LightsCuckooland Ceiling LightsLayered Lounge LampsSoho Home Ceiling LightsCuckooland Lamp ShadesLayered Lounge Outdoor LightingSoho Home ChandeliersCuckooland LampsLoaf LampsSoho Home Lamp ShadesCuckooland Outdoor LightingMade in Design Ceiling LightsSoho Home LampsCuckooland Wall LightsMade in Design ChandeliersSoho Home Wall LightsCult Furniture Ceiling LightsMade in Design Lamp ShadesTeddy Beau Ceiling LightsCult Furniture Lamp ShadesMade in Design LampsTeddy Beau ChandeliersCult Furniture LampsMade in Design Outdoor LightingTeddy Beau Lamp ShadesCult Furniture Outdoor LightingMade in Design Wall LightsTeddy Beau LampsCult Furniture Wall LightsMarks & Spencer Ceiling LightsTeddy Beau Outdoor LightingDowntown Ceiling LightsMarks & Spencer ChandeliersTeddy Beau Wall LightsDowntown Lamp ShadesMarks & Spencer Lamp ShadesThe Conran Shop Ceiling LightsDowntown LampsMarks & Spencer LampsThe Conran Shop ChandeliersDowntown Outdoor LightingMarks & Spencer Outdoor LightingThe Conran Shop Lamp ShadesDowntown Wall LightsMarks & Spencer Wall LightsThe Conran Shop LampsDunelm Ceiling LightsMy Furniture Ceiling LightsThe Conran Shop Outdoor LightingDunelm ChandeliersMy Furniture ChandeliersThe Conran Shop Wall LightsDunelm Lamp ShadesMy Furniture Lamp ShadesThe Range Ceiling LightsDunelm LampsMy Furniture LampsThe Range ChandeliersDunelm Outdoor LightingMy Furniture Wall LightsThe Range Lamp ShadesDunelm Wall LightsNkuku Ceiling LightsThe Range LampsFurniture Village Ceiling LightsNkuku ChandeliersThe Range Outdoor LightingFurniture Village Lamp ShadesNkuku Lamp ShadesThe Range Wall LightsFurniture Village LampsNkuku LampsThe Rug Seller Lamp ShadesFurniture Village Wall LightsNkuku Outdoor LightingThe Rug Seller LampsFurniture123 Ceiling LightsNkuku Wall LightsThe Rug Seller Outdoor LightingFurniture123 LampsNordic Nest Ceiling LightsTobias Oliver Ceiling LightsFurniture123 Outdoor LightingNordic Nest ChandeliersTobias Oliver Lamp ShadesFurniture123 Wall LightsNordic Nest Lamp ShadesTobias Oliver LampsGraham & Green Ceiling LightsNordic Nest LampsTobias Oliver Wall LightsGraham & Green ChandeliersNordic Nest Outdoor LightingTom Dixon Ceiling LightsGraham & Green Lamp ShadesNordic Nest Wall LightsTom Dixon ChandeliersGraham & Green LampsOKA Ceiling LightsTom Dixon LampsGraham & Green Outdoor LightingOKA Lamp ShadesTom Dixon Wall LightsGraham & Green Wall LightsOKA LampsUrban Outfitters Ceiling LightsHabitat Ceiling LightsOKA Wall LightsUrban Outfitters Lamp ShadesHabitat ChandeliersOlivia's Ceiling LightsUrban Outfitters LampsHabitat Lamp ShadesOlivia's ChandeliersUrban Outfitters Outdoor LightingHabitat LampsOlivia's Lamp ShadesWolf & Badger LampsHabitat Outdoor LightingOlivia's LampsWoods Furniture Ceiling LightsHabitat Wall LightsOlivia's Outdoor LightingWoods Furniture Lamp ShadesHeal's Ceiling LightsOlivia's Wall LightsWoods Furniture Lamps